
校友 参与ment Toolkit

参与ment Support for 教职员工


UNC Flag outside of Gunter Hall

让学生为毕业就业做好准备是皇冠app官方版下载承诺的重要组成部分 成为一个 学生们首先 大学. And when we put students first, we graduate alumni with strong career placement rates, enhanced social mobility, and positive career trajectories.

因为皇冠app官方版下载校友毕业后已经做好了就业准备,他们仍然致力于支持高中 quality current student experience. They help recruit future Bears, volunteer on campus, 提供职业和行业洞察力,在他们的地方打开机会之门 work, and generously fund student scholarships.

为了帮助学术和学生支持计划有效地与 校友, 大学的发展's alumni relations team 是否有战略组织来沟通、参与和培养数千人的能力 of living alumni in the UNC Bear网络. Let us help you put this network to work.


校友 沟通 and Outreach

代表所有大学项目和办公室工作,大学促进是 负责管理校友沟通和相关数据,包括联系方式 使用组件关系管理的信息和通信首选项 (CRM) tool and coordinated alumni communication calendar. Central coordination enables UNC必须考虑到沟通的时间和方法,特别是当 校友与大学的多个领域保持着兴趣和关系. 协调还确保了出站通信的准确性和及时性 data and reflects the preferences and privacy requests of alumni.

To Request 校友 沟通 Support

一般来说,大多数大学项目和办公室更喜欢通过电子邮件与校友交流 电子邮件,虽然其他选择的沟通和推广可能是可用的,这取决于 on the need and purpose of the request. 大学的发展 uses Blackbaud NetCommunity 以电子方式与校友和外部成员沟通,而不是与艾玛 或者Slate,因为后者的系统没有与皇冠app官方版下载的校友和捐赠者整合 database Raiser's Edge NXT.


Call 351-2551 or email alumni relations alumni@honornm.com 至少 六周前 to desired email distribution. 包括:

  • Purpose of requested communication (example: update, event invitation)
  • 你希望达到的人群概述(例如:给所有HSS本科校友发邮件)
  • Desired distribution date(s)

如果您的请求与事件或营销相关,请考虑额外的时间 项目.



如果您的消息被批准,它将被安排在中央通信日历中. 您将收到分配日期和校友人口部分的确认.

我们将审核您的信息内容以确保品牌一致性,如果您要求的话 an email you will receive a digitally designed draft to review and approve.


校友的电子邮件回弹和退回的邮件将被传送到推进业务部门 to track and update alumni data and communication preferences.

此外,打开,点击通过和交易率被跟踪到个人 使皇冠app官方版下载能够更好地了解和尊重校友的兴趣和偏好. You may request a post-communication report for your 项目.

所有校友交流的请求必须与合法的大学相关联 business purpose and advance an institutional priority. While some requests for stand-alone 校友交流可能未获批准,校友关系工作人员将与之合作 请求者识别和/或利用其他适当的通信渠道. 这可能包括内容包含在校友通讯UNC每月,推广 on 校友社交媒体, or promotion through alumni and 大学 calendars.



校友 relations builds and manages a strong network of alumni volunteers. 我们是 here to help you put that network to work. 校友 regularly volunteer as class speakers, 职业顾问,皇冠app官方版下载大使,活动支持和其他一些活动.

如欲招募校友,请将义工活动详情发送至 alumni@honornm.com 主题为"Request: 校友 Volunteer Support". Please include the following information so that a staff member may follow-up. 

  • Opportunity title/topic and point of contact
  • Date/Time/Duration (one time vs. 长期承诺)
  • Format and/or activity details including any information links

接触的想法校友关系工作人员一直在寻找有意义的校友参与机会. 如果你有一个想法或潜在的机会,随时给办公室发邮件并安排时间 a preliminary conversation.


校友 generously volunteer in support of multiple campus causes. 帮助UNC感谢他们 为他们服务. 校友 relations will provide a thank you gift and card that you may present to the volunteers who work alongside you.

电子邮件 alumni@honornm.com with the subject line "校友 Volunteer Recognition“让我们知道校友是志愿者,我们会跟进并给予认可 and stewardship opportunities.



访问校友是优先考虑的,我们的目标是帮助你提供一个有意义的 visit experience - whether in person or virtually. Help us welcome home alumni as guests to your class, club or office.

Preparing for the 访问

Contact alumni relations at 351-2551 or alumni@honornm.com for the following pre-visit services and support:

  • Confirm alumni name, class year, academic and professional information
  • Complimentary parking pass
  • Complimentary thank you gift
  • Advertise the visit (when appropriate)
  • 组织一次校园游览
  • Provide a meeting location and hospitality services in Carter Hall



  • Please let us know about alumni visits in advance
  • Include alumni class years in advertisements and promotional materials
  • 发送收集到的信息,包括参与详情,更新的联系方式; current employment, etc. to alumni@honornm.com
  • 将访问的照片或内容副本发送给校友办公室,以添加给校友 记录
  • Personally thank alumni for their participation and visit


校友关系负责创建和实施大学的校友 参与策略和相关的参与大学和项目的努力. 这 may include the annual 尊敬的校友 Ceremony、虚拟 校友就业小组 series, as well as many other events throughout the year.

If you have an idea for a unit-level alumni event, please reach out to alumni@honornm.com the semester prior to the target event data. The staff will review your request and 它与大学的优先事项,现有的参与努力,和独特的一致性 opportunity to meaningful engage alumni in support of UNC.

To initiative support, please email alumni@honornm.com and adding the subject line "校友 Event Collaboration.“如果你有一个想要加入的校友名单,请把它添加到你的 消息. At the conclusion of the event, please send a final list of attendees back to alumni@honornm.com. 我们会更新校友选民纪录,为日后的活动提供资料 and the 大学's alumni engagement and stewardship priorities.  


校友 Data and Updates

准确的校友记录对皇冠app官方版下载的许多业务重点都很重要. 大学 进行部负责校友资料和资料的管理和管理 对各种数据的采集、健康和管理实践,以确保校友 从认证到筹款,数据都是可用的和有用的. 校园合作伙伴也扮演着重要的角色,分享最新的信息 in the 大学's alumni database.

结果是:强大的校友关系提供了真实的学习经验和互惠 partnerships and collaborations. UNC sets the standard for how engaged universities enrich the lives of those on campus, throughout Colorado, and beyond.

How to Share an Update: 

所有校友联络资料由系、运动队、学生俱乐部、 希腊集团等., should routinely be emailed to alumni@honornm.com for processing with the subject line "校友 Information Update".  

个人更新表单如果你全年都与校友沟通,记得加入自助服务 alumni information update form.


如果你需要校友数据用于项目、认证或其他大学商业目的, 请提交一份资料要求表格给至少10个企业的发展业务 需要前几天. 资料要求表格

职业生涯数据:大学发展代表所有项目和项目管理校友职业数据 办公室. Additionally, career data is visible through the 校友 Employment Dashboard. 查看仪表板.